This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in Pueblos Originarios de Chile ( and Pueblos Originarios de Chile ( E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them
Generated Narrative: CodeSystem fdd54b9c-8a59-44eb-8ec6-ff25b8fe3a12-68
This code system
defines codes, but no codes are represented here
Code | Display |
01 | Mapuche |
02 | Aymara |
03 | Rapa Nui o pascuense |
04 | Lickanatay |
05 | Quechua |
06 | Colla |
07 | Diaguita |
08 | Kaweskar |
09 | Yagan |
10 | Chango |
96 | Otro (Especificar) |