Proyecto Listas de Espera MINSAL CHILE
0.1.3 - ci-build

Proyecto Listas de Espera MINSAL CHILE - Local Development build (v0.1.3). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: Paciente LE

Official URL: Version: 0.1.3
Standards status: Draft Maturity Level: 0 Computable Name: PatientLE

Paciente LE recurso que se utiliza para representar la información de identificación del paciente.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Patient

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... NacionalidadCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de Nacionalidad
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... Slices for identifier 1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN S1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 1
..... value S1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
.... identifier:RUNMaterno S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 2
.... identifier:FolioParto S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 3
.... identifier:Pasaporte S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 4
.... identifier:OtroDocumento S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 5
.... identifier:IDFonasa S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 6
... Slices for name 1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial S1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use 1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Required Pattern: official
..... text 0..0
..... family
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
..... given 1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
..... prefix 0..0
..... suffix 0..0
..... period 0..0
.... name:NombreSocial S0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use 1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Required Pattern: usual
..... text 0..0
..... family 0..0
..... given 1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
..... prefix 0..0
..... suffix 0..0
..... period 0..0
... Slices for telecom 1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 S1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: temp
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: email
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: home
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: temp
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
... birthDate S1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... GeneroCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptIdentidad de genero
Binding: Identidad de Genero (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier Σ1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN SΣ1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
..... value SΣ1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:RUNMaterno SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:FolioParto SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:Pasaporte SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:OtroDocumento SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:IDFonasa SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
... active ?!Σ0..1booleanWhether this patient's record is in active use
... Slices for name Σ1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial SΣ1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: official
..... family Σ0..1stringFamily name (often called 'Surname')
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
.... name:NombreSocial SΣ0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: usual
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
... Slices for telecom Σ1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 SΣ1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: email
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: home
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
... birthDate SΣ1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual
... deceased[x] ?!Σ0..1Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
.... deceasedBooleanboolean
.... deceasedDateTimedateTime
... link ?!Σ0..*BackboneElementLink to another patient resource that concerns the same actual person
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... other Σ1..1Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson)The other patient or related person resource that the link refers to
.... type Σ1..1codereplaced-by | replaces | refer | seealso
Binding: LinkType (required): The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / Code
Patient.identifier:IDFonasa.typerequiredVSTipoIdentificador official usual
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.systemrequiredPattern: email
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.userequiredPattern: home
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.userequiredPattern: temp


dom-2errorPatientIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorPatientIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorPatientIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorPatientIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practicePatientA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... id Σ0..1idLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguagesMax Binding
... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... NacionalidadCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de Nacionalidad
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... GeneroCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptIdentidad de genero
Binding: Identidad de Genero (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier Σ1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN SΣ1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 1
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value SΣ1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:RUNMaterno SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 2
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:FolioParto SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 3
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:Pasaporte SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 4
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:OtroDocumento SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 5
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:IDFonasa SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 6
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... active ?!Σ0..1booleanWhether this patient's record is in active use
... Slices for name Σ1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial SΣ1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: official
..... family Σ0..1stringFamily name (often called 'Surname')
...... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
...... value 0..1stringPrimitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
.... name:NombreSocial SΣ0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: usual
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
... Slices for telecom Σ1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 SΣ1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: email
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: home
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
... gender Σ0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
Binding: AdministrativeGender (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

... birthDate SΣ1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual
... deceased[x] ?!Σ0..1Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
.... deceasedBooleanboolean
.... deceasedDateTimedateTime
... address Σ0..*AddressAn address for the individual
... maritalStatus 0..1CodeableConceptMarital (civil) status of a patient
Binding: Marital Status Codes (extensible): The domestic partnership status of a person.

... multipleBirth[x] 0..1Whether patient is part of a multiple birth
.... multipleBirthBooleanboolean
.... multipleBirthIntegerinteger
... photo 0..*AttachmentImage of the patient
... contact C0..*BackboneElementA contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... relationship 0..*CodeableConceptThe kind of relationship
Binding: PatientContactRelationship (extensible): The nature of the relationship between a patient and a contact person for that patient.

.... name 0..1HumanNameA name associated with the contact person
.... telecom 0..*ContactPointA contact detail for the person
.... address 0..1AddressAddress for the contact person
.... gender 0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
Binding: AdministrativeGender (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

.... organization C0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that is associated with the contact
.... period 0..1PeriodThe period during which this contact person or organization is valid to be contacted relating to this patient
... communication 0..*BackboneElementA language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... language 1..1CodeableConceptThe language which can be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguagesMax Binding
.... preferred 0..1booleanLanguage preference indicator
... generalPractitioner 0..*Reference(Organization | Practitioner | PractitionerRole)Patient's nominated primary care provider
... managingOrganization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that is the custodian of the patient record
... link ?!Σ0..*BackboneElementLink to another patient resource that concerns the same actual person
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... other Σ1..1Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson)The other patient or related person resource that the link refers to
.... type Σ1..1codereplaced-by | replaces | refer | seealso
Binding: LinkType (required): The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / Code
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
Patient.identifier:IDFonasa.typerequiredVSTipoIdentificador official usual
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.systemrequiredPattern: email
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.userequiredPattern: home
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.maritalStatusextensibleMarital Status Codes
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
pat-1errorPatient.contactSHALL at least contain a contact's details or a reference to an organization
: name.exists() or telecom.exists() or address.exists() or organization.exists()

This structure is derived from Patient


Mandatory: 20 elements (24 nested mandatory elements)
Must-Support: 37 elements
Prohibited: 9 elements


This structure refers to these extensions:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element Patient.identifier is sliced based on the value of value:type.coding.code
  • The element is sliced based on the value of value:use
  • The element Patient.telecom is sliced based on the value of value:rank

Maturity: 0

Differential View

This structure is derived from Patient

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... NacionalidadCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de Nacionalidad
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... Slices for identifier 1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN S1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 1
..... value S1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
.... identifier:RUNMaterno S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 2
.... identifier:FolioParto S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 3
.... identifier:Pasaporte S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 4
.... identifier:OtroDocumento S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 5
.... identifier:IDFonasa S0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... type S1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... coding
....... code 1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 6
... Slices for name 1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial S1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use 1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Required Pattern: official
..... text 0..0
..... family
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
..... given 1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
..... prefix 0..0
..... suffix 0..0
..... period 0..0
.... name:NombreSocial S0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use 1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Required Pattern: usual
..... text 0..0
..... family 0..0
..... given 1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
..... prefix 0..0
..... suffix 0..0
..... period 0..0
... Slices for telecom 1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 S1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system S1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank S1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: temp
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: email
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: home
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro S0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system 0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Required Pattern: phone
..... use 0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Required Pattern: temp
..... rank 1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
... birthDate S1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)


Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... GeneroCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptIdentidad de genero
Binding: Identidad de Genero (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier Σ1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN SΣ1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
..... value SΣ1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
Example General: 123456
.... identifier:RUNMaterno SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:FolioParto SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:Pasaporte SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:OtroDocumento SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
.... identifier:IDFonasa SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
... active ?!Σ0..1booleanWhether this patient's record is in active use
... Slices for name Σ1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial SΣ1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: official
..... family Σ0..1stringFamily name (often called 'Surname')
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
.... name:NombreSocial SΣ0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: usual
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
... Slices for telecom Σ1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 SΣ1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: email
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: home
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
... birthDate SΣ1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual
... deceased[x] ?!Σ0..1Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
.... deceasedBooleanboolean
.... deceasedDateTimedateTime
... link ?!Σ0..*BackboneElementLink to another patient resource that concerns the same actual person
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... other Σ1..1Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson)The other patient or related person resource that the link refers to
.... type Σ1..1codereplaced-by | replaces | refer | seealso
Binding: LinkType (required): The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / Code
Patient.identifier:IDFonasa.typerequiredVSTipoIdentificador official usual
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.systemrequiredPattern: email
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.userequiredPattern: home
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.userequiredPattern: temp


dom-2errorPatientIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorPatientIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorPatientIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorPatientIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
dom-6best practicePatientA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*PatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... id Σ0..1idLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguagesMax Binding
... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 5..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... PaisOrigenCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de países
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... NacionalidadCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptCodigo de Identificación de Nacionalidad
Binding: Códigos de Países (required)
... GeneroCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptIdentidad de genero
Binding: Identidad de Genero (required)
... PuebloIndigena S1..1(Complex)Etnia a la cual pertenece
... Afrodescendiente S1..1booleanExtBool Afrodescendiente
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier Σ1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type.coding.code
.... identifier:RUN SΣ1..1IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigito verificador del RUN
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 1
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value SΣ1..1stringNumero de RUN sin digito verificador ni puntos
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:RUNMaterno SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... DigitoVerificador S1..1stringDigitoVerificador
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 2
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:FolioParto SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 3
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:Pasaporte SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 4
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:OtroDocumento SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 5
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
.... identifier:IDFonasa SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

..... type SΣ1..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
Binding: Tipo Identificador (required)
...... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ0..*CodingCode defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ0..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
....... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Required Pattern: 6
....... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ0..1stringPlain text representation of the concept
..... system Σ0..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
Example General:
..... value Σ0..1stringThe value that is unique
Example General: 123456
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
..... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
... active ?!Σ0..1booleanWhether this patient's record is in active use
... Slices for name Σ1..*HumanNameA name associated with the patient
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:use
.... name:NombreOficial SΣ1..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: official
..... family Σ0..1stringFamily name (often called 'Surname')
...... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
...... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtensión para el segundo apellido
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... segundoApellido S0..1stringSegundo Apellido
...... value 0..1stringPrimitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
.... name:NombreSocial SΣ0..1HumanNameA name associated with the patient
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... use ?!Σ1..1codeusual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Binding: NameUse (required): The use of a human name.

Required Pattern: usual
..... given Σ1..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
... Slices for telecom Σ1..*ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:rank
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil1 SΣ1..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 1
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil2 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 2
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoMovil3 SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system SΣC1..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: mobile
..... rank SΣ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 3
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoFijo SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 4
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:CorreoElectronico SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: email
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: home
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 5
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
.... telecom:TelefonoOtro SΣ0..1ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
..... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
..... Slices for extension 1..*ExtensionExtension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... TipoOtroTelefonoCodigo S1..1CodeableConceptTipoOtroTelefono
Binding: Tipo Otro Telefono (required)
..... system ΣC0..1codephone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Binding: ContactPointSystem (required): Telecommunications form for contact point.

Required Pattern: phone
..... value Σ0..1stringThe actual contact point details
..... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Binding: ContactPointUse (required): Use of contact point.

Required Pattern: temp
..... rank Σ1..1positiveIntSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Required Pattern: 6
..... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when the contact point was/is in use
... gender Σ0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
Binding: AdministrativeGender (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

... birthDate SΣ1..1dateThe date of birth for the individual
... deceased[x] ?!Σ0..1Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
.... deceasedBooleanboolean
.... deceasedDateTimedateTime
... address Σ0..*AddressAn address for the individual
... maritalStatus 0..1CodeableConceptMarital (civil) status of a patient
Binding: Marital Status Codes (extensible): The domestic partnership status of a person.

... multipleBirth[x] 0..1Whether patient is part of a multiple birth
.... multipleBirthBooleanboolean
.... multipleBirthIntegerinteger
... photo 0..*AttachmentImage of the patient
... contact C0..*BackboneElementA contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... relationship 0..*CodeableConceptThe kind of relationship
Binding: PatientContactRelationship (extensible): The nature of the relationship between a patient and a contact person for that patient.

.... name 0..1HumanNameA name associated with the contact person
.... telecom 0..*ContactPointA contact detail for the person
.... address 0..1AddressAddress for the contact person
.... gender 0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
Binding: AdministrativeGender (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

.... organization C0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that is associated with the contact
.... period 0..1PeriodThe period during which this contact person or organization is valid to be contacted relating to this patient
... communication 0..*BackboneElementA language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... language 1..1CodeableConceptThe language which can be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguagesMax Binding
.... preferred 0..1booleanLanguage preference indicator
... generalPractitioner 0..*Reference(Organization | Practitioner | PractitionerRole)Patient's nominated primary care provider
... managingOrganization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that is the custodian of the patient record
... link ?!Σ0..*BackboneElementLink to another patient resource that concerns the same actual person
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... other Σ1..1Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson)The other patient or related person resource that the link refers to
.... type Σ1..1codereplaced-by | replaces | refer | seealso
Binding: LinkType (required): The type of link between this patient resource and another patient resource.

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / Code
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
Patient.identifier:IDFonasa.typerequiredVSTipoIdentificador official usual
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil1.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil2.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoMovil3.userequiredPattern: mobile
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoFijo.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.systemrequiredPattern: email
Patient.telecom:CorreoElectronico.userequiredPattern: home
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.systemrequiredPattern: phone
Patient.telecom:TelefonoOtro.userequiredPattern: temp
Patient.maritalStatusextensibleMarital Status Codes
Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
pat-1errorPatient.contactSHALL at least contain a contact's details or a reference to an organization
: name.exists() or telecom.exists() or address.exists() or organization.exists()

This structure is derived from Patient


Mandatory: 20 elements (24 nested mandatory elements)
Must-Support: 37 elements
Prohibited: 9 elements


This structure refers to these extensions:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element Patient.identifier is sliced based on the value of value:type.coding.code
  • The element is sliced based on the value of value:use
  • The element Patient.telecom is sliced based on the value of value:rank

Maturity: 0


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron